Dream Workshop
A three-day dream workshop with Dr. Abi Blakeslee.
Throughout human history, people have dreamed, wondering “Why?” Is it a message from the unconscious? Is it memory reconsolidation? Is it a collective call that resounds as barriers of consciousness dissolve?
In this workshop, we will explore a leading-edge approach to working with dreams. Accessing non-conscious memories and processes involving movement, conscious awareness of sensation, and embodied emotion unlocks the barriers between unconscious and conscious knowing.
Dreams and even nightmares are gifts that are our inherent drive toward self-regulation. In this workshop, we will practice applied techniques from neuroscience, the field of psychophysiology, and Jungian psychology how to mine dreams for the gems of meaning and healing.
We will explore:
Embodied Archetypes: Archetypes are pre-existing patterns and symbols that humans base universal knowing upon. We may, for example, deny one archetype, one aspect of the Self, and settle rigidly into another for protection.
Active Imagination: Interact with dream figures, who are all aspects of the Self. You will learn to use direct experience such as repair dialogue, emotional expansion, expressive movement, and conscious awareness of your nervous system to connect to your empowered integrated Self.
Shadow: Underworld dreams or violent frightening dreams naturally process psychological experiences. Drop by drop, they alchemically serve to integrate traumatic memories.
Collective Unconscious: Dreams can be explored through cross-cultural stories and myths. Humanity’s wisdom offers many dimensions to symbols that are gifted to us in our dreamtime. Also, by exploring our collective through our physiological and unconscious memory, we deepen our connection to Source.
Please bring a dream or several in mind to work on in the workshop. You can also work with your clients’ dreams.
Meet your trainer, Dr. Abi Blakeslee:
Dr. Abi Blakeslee is a world-renowned trauma specialist and the founder of Implicit Psychotherapy. She is senior faculty at Somatic Experiencing International and additionally legacy faculty for Dr. Peter Levine’s Ergos Institute for Somatic Education. She is the co-founder of Relationship Repair. Dr. Blakeslee holds a Ph.D. in Clinical and Somatic Psychology and an MA in Counseling and Depth Psychology. Her Masters Thesis centered around “Healing Trauma: A Neurobiological and Somatic Approach to Treating Nightmares” and her dissertation produced original research on the role of implicit memory in trauma resolution. This dream workshop is the culmination of decades of teaching, research, and working with dreams in clinical practice. Dr. Blakeslee teaches and consults worldwide. She lives in Bozeman, Montana, with her husband and enjoys the snow, mountains, and rivers with their three children. She also enjoys dreaming - and remembers them during the precious times she can sleep in!
Cost & Booking
This workshop is open to everyone. The cost of the three-day workshop is £540. (£450 if booked and paid before 28th February 2025) . To book click on the button below. Places are limited and if the workshop is full you will be able to be added to the waiting list.
The Breath & Trauma Healing
A Four Day Workshop with Lael Katharine Keen
Free, fluid breathing is one of the ways that life and the life force expresses itself within each one of us. Free fluid breathing is also a mark of vitality and well-being.
Each time that we are traumatized, our breathing undergoes an alteration, and often this changed pattern of breath will continue to be active for many years, reactivating the trauma and limiting our self expression, movement and vitality.
In this four day workshop, we will explore how trauma affects breathing, and how we, as therapists who work with trauma, can help our clients to restore and reconnect with a way of breathing that is freer, more fluid and spontaneous.
Students will learn more about
Anatomy and Physiology of the breath and how it is affected by trauma.
Hyper-ventilation Syndrome - what it is, how to recognize it, and how to work with it.
How to recognize and work with different breathing patterns.
How to work with specific breathing traumas – asthma, suffocation, drowning, etc.
Each day of the workshop will have a lecture, a demonstration and a practicum. In the demonstrations and practice, we will learn techniques for working with specific altered breathing patterns. We will use touch work to track the breath and to offer new options to the client for a freer way of breathing. We will use tracking to work with the stored trauma energies that may emerge when the client's system makes the switch to a fuller, more alive breathing pattern.
Lael Keen Talks with Giselle Genillard about Laels work with Trauma and Beathing
To read an article that Lael wrote about working with Breathing in the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute Journal of Structural Integration go to this link: Dancing with the Breath
Pre-requisites for participation: The student needs to have completed a 2-day Introduction to SE workshop.
Lael Katharine Keen is an Advanced level Instructor of Somatic Experiencing® for the Somatic Experiencing® International Institute and a founding member of the A.B.T. (Associacao Brasileira do Trauma—the Brazilian Somatic Experiencing® Association).
She has been a Rolfer since 1984 and is an instructor of Rolfing® at all levels, Beginning through Advanced and Rolf Movement® for the Rolf Institute.
Lael holds a 5th degree black belt in Ki-Aikido and is a teacher of both Ki-Aikido and Shin Shin Toitsu Do - Mind and Body Coordination, certified by the Ki Society International in Tokyo Japan.
She teaches in the US, Brazil and internationally, for both the Rolf Institute and the SE Trauma Institute.
She is an Anthroposophic Art Therapist and a Bates Method of Vision Educator.
Cost & Booking
The cost of the four-day workshop is £790. (£710 if booked and paid before 29th February) . To book click on the button below. Places are limited and if the workshop is full you will be able to be added to the waiting list.
Working with Children, Young People & Families
An integrative model to support people who work with children and young people, where work with parents is also considered helpful. It is a coherent, easy to use framework for assessment, stand-alone treatment, and/or integration into multidisciplinary treatment packages. The model focuses on parental capacity and the parent-child relationship through the lens of parenting ‘tasks,’ and uses methods such as letter-writing, home visits and observation along with creative, reflexive work and cross-modal attunement.
Somatic work with children takes the principles of Somatic Experiencing, Neuroaffective touch, playfulness, attunement, creativity and empathy to support self and co-regulation. The integration of the two approaches (The Somatic VPT Approach) leads to a trauma-informed, attachment based, model for the treatment of developmental trauma.
Therapeutic Presence, Rhythm, and Connection with Peter Levine
SOSI is delighted to present this 2-day masterclass with Dr. Peter A Levine, the developer of Somatic Experiencing.
Therapeutic Presence, Rhythm, and Connection explores the vital practice of holding space for your clients.
In each session, one guides a client through multiple phases of activation, pendulation, titration, release, orientation, and settling.
The Breath & Trauma Healing
A Four Day Workshop with Lael Katharine Keen
Advanced teaching of Somatic Experiencing®
Free, fluid breathing is one of the ways that life and the life force expresses itself within each one of us. Free fluid breathing is also a mark of vitality and well-being.
Each time that we are traumatized, our breathing undergoes an alteration, and often this changed pattern of breath will continue to be active for many years, reactivating the trauma and limiting our self expression, movement and vitality.
In this four day workshop, we will explore how trauma affects breathing, and how we, as therapists who work with trauma, can help our clients to restore and reconnect with a way of breathing that is freer, more fluid and spontaneous.
Students will learn more about
Anatomy and Physiology of the breath and how it is affected by trauma.
Hyper-ventilation Syndrome--what it is, how to recognize it, and how to work with it.
How to recognize and work with different breathing patterns.
How to work with specific breathing traumas – asthma, suffocation, drowning, etc.
Each day of the workshop will have a lecture, a demonstration and a practicum. In the demonstrations and practice, we will learn techniques for working with specific altered breathing patterns. We will use touch work to track the breath and to offer new options to the client for a freer way of breathing. We will use Somatic Experiencing® tracking to work with the stored trauma energies that may emerge when the client's system makes the switch to a fuller, more alive breathing pattern.
Pre-requisites for participation: The student needs to have completed a 2-day Introduction to SE workshop.
Lael Katharine Keen is an Advanced level Instructor of Somatic Experiencing® for the Somatic Experiencing® International Institute and a founding member of the A.B.T. (Associacao Brasileira do Trauma—the Brazilian Somatic Experiencing® Association).
She has been a Rolfer since 1984 and is an instructor of Rolfing® at all levels, Beginning through Advanced and Rolf Movement® for the Rolf Institute.
Lael holds a 5th degree black belt in Ki-Aikido and is a teacher of both Ki-Aikido and Shin Shin Toitsu Do - Mind and Body Coordination, certified by the Ki Society International in Tokyo Japan.
She teaches in the US, Brazil and internationally, for both the Rolf Institute and the SE Trauma Institute.
She is an Anthroposophic Art Therapist and a Bates Method of Vision Educator.
Cost & Booking
The cost of the four-day workshop is £550. To book click on the button below. Places are limited and if the workshop is full you will be able to be added to the waiting list.
Ariel Giarretto - Healing Sexual Trauma
Healing Sexual Trauma
A special online training for the SE Community
Presented by Ariel Giarretto, MS, LMFT, SEP - SE Faculty and Somatic Sex Educator
Thursday, 6th May to Sunday 9th May 2021
16.00 - 20.00 UK Time (GMT + 1) each day.
All of us work with clients who have experienced sexual trauma as a child, sexual assault as adults, or with couples who struggle with sexual incompatibilities. This workshop is aimed at training practitioners in a variety of new and effective tools to best serve these clients—even the toughest ones.
Professional Content:
How to work with those most reluctant to inhabit their bodies
Learn multiple exercises to deepen and expand embodiment and pleasure
Learn new ways of strengthening boundaries and establishing genuine “embodied consent”
Learn skills specific to working with male survivors
Learn how to support couples when one is sexually avoidant, or when there are sexual incompatibilities
How to work with low libido, spice up long-term relationships and enliven sexuality as the body ages
Tools for healing shame
Ideas on working with common sexual dysfunctions
What you will learn personally:
Get comfortable talking about the body and sexuality with your clients and intimates. Identify which topics are awkward for you, as well as ways you avoid your own connection to sex and your body.
Become friends with your body; develop more awareness, ease and
pleasure in yourself, and begin to inhabit all parts of it!
Who will benefit:
Therapists, psychologists, and practitioners who want to become more adept at somatically treating sexual trauma and sexuality issues.
About Ariel
Ariel Giarretto, MS, LMFT has been working in the world of body-oriented trauma healing for 20 years. She is senior faculty for Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute where she teaches trainings to professionals worldwide. She has been involved in conscious sexuality and tantric practices since working at the Esalen Institute throughout the 90’s, and has studied with dozens of somatic teachers. She is a certified Somatic Sex Educator, and is active in many alternative, sex-positive communities. Her private practice focuses on working with couples and individuals desiring sexual healing and enhancement, including men, LGBTQ, as well as those struggling with low libido, infertility, and any trauma concerning the pelvis or sexuality. She has extensive training in pre and perinatal psychology, as well as childhood developmental trauma. Ariel is passionate about supporting people in finding both ease and ecstasy in their bodies, and healing the wounds of sexuality trauma. She has a practice near San Francisco, CA.
Cost and Booking
This course is open to therapists, psychologists, practitioners and current SE trainees who want to become more adept at somatically treating sexual trauma and sexuality issues.
This course will be held online over Zoom
The cost of the workshop with Ariel is £350. (UK pounds)
Dates & Time
Thursday, 6th May to Sunday 9th May 2021.
16.00 - 20.00 UK Time (GMT + 1)
Maggie Kline – Trauma Through a Childs Eyes
Trauma Through a Childs Eyes
Maggie Kline, Family Therapist, School Psychologist, Somatic Experiencing
International Faculty Member and co-author with Peter Levine of ‘Trauma through a Child’s Eyes’ and ‘Trauma-Proofing Your Kids’ presents:
A 3-day workshop to teach professionals how to help children reorganize and rebalance the autonomic nervous system at the biological/survival level after being overwhelmed following a traumatic or stressful event(s). Maggie will teach participants how to use games, play activities and art integrated with the fundamentals and through the lens of Somatic Experiencing to facilitate change, restore protective/defensive impulses and to increase the capacity for healthy social engagement.
This Workshop Features:
Ages and Stages of Development from a Somatic Perspective
Repair of Early Trauma and Attachment to Facilitate Self-
Regulation through Social Engagement
Activities to Promote Grounding, Sensory Awareness and
Tracking Skills with Children and Teens
Integrating Principles of SE with Art Activities to Promote Safety,
Titration and Pendulation
Turning Games into SE Activities with Charge/Discharge Cycles that Assist Kids with Tracking, Orienting, Fight/Flight, Boundary- Setting, Settling and Integrating their Arousal States
Working with Sexual Trauma & Medical Trauma
Teach Games and Activities Used in Post-Disaster Settings
Material is useful for professionals who wish to integrate the core concepts of SE when working with kids, as well, as those wishing to deepen their understanding of inner child work with adults. The format for learning will be a mixture of lecture, video material, and experiential activities.
This workshop is designed to teach you new skills while having fun!!!
About Maggie
Maggie Kline has been a marriage, family and child therapist for almost 30 years and is a retired school psychologist. She uses Somatic Experiencing with individual and couple’s psychotherapy. She also integrates S.E. with art, dream work and play when working with children and teens. Maggie is a senior Somatic Experiencing instructor teaching internationally. She also created “SE for Kids” and “Conscious Connections” workshops for professionals who help children.
Maggie co-authored ‘It Won’t Hurt Forever-- Guiding Your Child through Trauma’ (Mothering Magazine, Jan-Feb 2002), and ‘Trauma through a Child’s Eyes--Awakening the Ordinary Miracle of Healing’ (North
Atlantic, 2007)—both with Dr. Peter Levine. Their latest book, ‘Trauma Proofing Your Kids—A Parents’ Guide to Instilling Confidence, Joy and Resilience’ was released in March 2008.
Cost and Booking
The cost of the weekend with Maggie is £575. If you book before 31st May 2020 the price is £510.