Filtering by: “se training edinbugh”
Edinburgh 2025 SE Training – Beginning 1 with Lael Keen
to 31 May

Edinburgh 2025 SE Training – Beginning 1 with Lael Keen


The beginning year of the 3 year Edinburgh SE training will be taught by Lael Keen, a senior SE trainer and faculty member from Brazil. 

Lael is an Advanced Level Teacher for the Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Institute, a direct student of Dr. Peter Levine and is a founding member of the Brazilian Trauma Association (ABT). She has been teaching Somatic Experiencing® in Brazil, the USA and all around the world, since 1998.

In addition to teaching for the Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Institute, Lael has been a teacher of Rolfing® Structural Integration since 1995. She teaches Rolfing® at the basic and Advanced levels and is also an instructor of the Rolf Movement Program. She has studied since 2001 with Hubert Godard, French Movement Educator and Researcher, Founder of the Department of Dance Movement Analysis at the University of Paris and Professor Emeritus of Rolfing® and Rolf Movement. She is a founding member of the Brazilian Rolfing® Association (ABR)

Lael holds a 5th degree black belt in Ki-Aikido and has studied many different disciplines that focus on the body-mind connection. She is a Trainer of Matrixworks Living Systems, an approach to working with groups. She uses both her Ki-Aikido training and the study of Matrixworks in all the groups that she leads.

She lives in the south of Brazil where she and her husband (also a Somatic Experiencing® teacher) own and operate a training center in the Atlantic Rain Forest on the Island of Santa Catarina.

She continues to study and learn about what it is to be a human being and how we can heal at all levels, body, mind, soul and spirit. She holds certification as an Anthroposophic Art Therapist and an Educator in the Bates Method of Vision.

Find out more: Pre-requisites : Curriculum : Certification : Fees & Payments : Teaching Team

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Edinburgh 2025 SE Training – Beginning 2 with Lael Keen
to 6 Dec

Edinburgh 2025 SE Training – Beginning 2 with Lael Keen

Lael is an Advanced level Instructor of Somatic Experiencing® for the S.E.® Trauma Institute and a founding member of the A.B.T. (Associação Brasileira do Trauma—the Brazilian SE Association).

She has been a Rolfer since 1984 and teaches Rolfing and Rolf Movement for the Rolf Institute. Lael holds a 5th degree black belt in Ki-Aikido and is a teacher of both Ki-Aikido and Shin Shin Toitsu Do—Mind and Body Coordination, certified by the Ki Society International in Tokyo Japan. 

She teaches in the US and Brazil and around the world, for both the Rolf Institute and the SE Trauma Institute. She is currently completing her internship in Art Therapy and lives in the Brazilian rainforest with her husband (also an SE teacher) and her daughter.

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Edinburgh 2025 SE Training – Intermediate 1 with Lael Keen
to 25 Jun

Edinburgh 2025 SE Training – Intermediate 1 with Lael Keen

Lael is an Advanced level Instructor of Somatic Experiencing® for the S.E.® Trauma Institute and a founding member of the A.B.T. (Associação Brasileira do Trauma—the Brazilian SE Association).

She has been a Rolfer since 1984 and teaches Rolfing and Rolf Movement for the Rolf Institute. Lael holds a 5th degree black belt in Ki-Aikido and is a teacher of both Ki-Aikido and Shin Shin Toitsu Do—Mind and Body Coordination, certified by the Ki Society International in Tokyo Japan. 

She teaches in the US and Brazil and around the world, for both the Rolf Institute and the SE Trauma Institute. She is currently completing her internship in Art Therapy and lives in the Brazilian rainforest with her husband (also an SE teacher) and her daughter.

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Edinburgh 2025 SE Training – Intermediate 2 with Lael Keen
to 21 Nov

Edinburgh 2025 SE Training – Intermediate 2 with Lael Keen

Lael is an Advanced level Instructor of Somatic Experiencing® for the S.E.® Trauma Institute and a founding member of the A.B.T. (Associação Brasileira do Trauma—the Brazilian SE Association).

She has been a Rolfer since 1984 and teaches Rolfing and Rolf Movement for the Rolf Institute. Lael holds a 5th degree black belt in Ki-Aikido and is a teacher of both Ki-Aikido and Shin Shin Toitsu Do—Mind and Body Coordination, certified by the Ki Society International in Tokyo Japan. 

She teaches in the US and Brazil and around the world, for both the Rolf Institute and the SE Trauma Institute. She is currently completing her internship in Art Therapy and lives in the Brazilian rainforest with her husband (also an SE teacher) and her daughter.

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Edinburgh 2025 SE Training – Advanced 1 with Lael Keen
to 26 Jun

Edinburgh 2025 SE Training – Advanced 1 with Lael Keen

Lael is an Advanced level Instructor of Somatic Experiencing® for the S.E.® Trauma Institute and a founding member of the A.B.T. (Associação Brasileira do Trauma—the Brazilian SE Association).

She has been a Rolfer since 1984 and teaches Rolfing and Rolf Movement for the Rolf Institute. Lael holds a 5th degree black belt in Ki-Aikido and is a teacher of both Ki-Aikido and Shin Shin Toitsu Do—Mind and Body Coordination, certified by the Ki Society International in Tokyo Japan. 

She teaches in the US and Brazil and around the world, for both the Rolf Institute and the SE Trauma Institute. She is currently completing her internship in Art Therapy and lives in the Brazilian rainforest with her husband (also an SE teacher) and her daughter.

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Edinburgh 2025 SE Training – Advanced 2 with Lael Keen
to 27 Nov

Edinburgh 2025 SE Training – Advanced 2 with Lael Keen

Lael is an Advanced level Instructor of Somatic Experiencing® for the S.E.® Trauma Institute and a founding member of the A.B.T. (Associação Brasileira do Trauma—the Brazilian SE Association).

She has been a Rolfer since 1984 and teaches Rolfing and Rolf Movement for the Rolf Institute. Lael holds a 5th degree black belt in Ki-Aikido and is a teacher of both Ki-Aikido and Shin Shin Toitsu Do—Mind and Body Coordination, certified by the Ki Society International in Tokyo Japan. 

She teaches in the US and Brazil and around the world, for both the Rolf Institute and the SE Trauma Institute. She is currently completing her internship in Art Therapy and lives in the Brazilian rainforest with her husband (also an SE teacher) and her daughter.

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Edinburgh 2022 SE Training - Advanced 2  with Lael Keen
to 23 Nov

Edinburgh 2022 SE Training - Advanced 2 with Lael Keen

The Advanced Year of the 3 year Edinburgh SE™ training will be taught by Lael Keen, a senior SE trainer and faculty member from Brazil. 

Lael is an Advanced Level Teacher for the Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Institute, a direct student of Dr. Peter Levine and is a founding member of the Brazilian Trauma Association (ABT). She has been teaching Somatic Experiencing® in Brazil, the USA and all around the world, since 1998.

In addition to teaching for the Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Institute, Lael has been a teacher of Rolfing® Structural Integration since 1995. She teaches Rolfing® at the basic and Advanced levels and is also an instructor of the Rolf Movement Program. She has studied since 2001 with Hubert Godard, French Movement Educator and Researcher, Founder of the Department of Dance Movement Analysis at the University of Paris and Professor Emeritus of Rolfing® and Rolf Movement. She is a founding member of the Brazilian Rolfing® Association (ABR)

Lael holds a 5th degree black belt in Ki-Aikido and has studied many different disciplines that focus on the body-mind connection. She is a Trainer of Matrixworks Living Systems, an approach to working with groups. She uses both her Ki-Aikido training and the study of Matrixworks in all the groups that she leads.

She lives in the south of Brazil where she and her husband (also a Somatic Experiencing® teacher) own and operate a training center in the Atlantic Rain Forest on the Island of Santa Catarina.

She continues to study and learn about what it is to be a human being and how we can heal at all levels, body, mind, soul and spirit. She holds certification as an Anthroposophic Art Therapist and an Educator in the Bates Method of Vision.

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Edinburgh 2022 SE Training – Advanced 1 with Lael Keen
to 22 Jun

Edinburgh 2022 SE Training – Advanced 1 with Lael Keen

Lael is an Advanced level Instructor of Somatic Experiencing® for the S.E.® Trauma Institute and a founding member of the A.B.T. (Associação Brasileira do Trauma—the Brazilian SE Association).

She has been a Rolfer since 1984 and teaches Rolfing and Rolf Movement for the Rolf Institute. Lael holds a 5th degree black belt in Ki-Aikido and is a teacher of both Ki-Aikido and Shin Shin Toitsu Do—Mind and Body Coordination, certified by the Ki Society International in Tokyo Japan. 

She teaches in the US and Brazil and around the world, for both the Rolf Institute and the SE Trauma Institute. She is currently completing her internship in Art Therapy and lives in the Brazilian rainforest with her husband (also an SE teacher) and her daughter.

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Edinburgh 2022 SE Training – Intermediate 2 with Lael Keen
to 27 Nov

Edinburgh 2022 SE Training – Intermediate 2 with Lael Keen

Lael is an Advanced level Instructor of Somatic Experiencing® for the S.E.® Trauma Institute and a founding member of the A.B.T. (Associação Brasileira do Trauma—the Brazilian SE Association).

She has been a Rolfer since 1984 and teaches Rolfing and Rolf Movement for the Rolf Institute. Lael holds a 5th degree black belt in Ki-Aikido and is a teacher of both Ki-Aikido and Shin Shin Toitsu Do—Mind and Body Coordination, certified by the Ki Society International in Tokyo Japan. 

She teaches in the US and Brazil and around the world, for both the Rolf Institute and the SE Trauma Institute. She is currently completing her internship in Art Therapy and lives in the Brazilian rainforest with her husband (also an SE teacher) and her daughter.

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Edinburgh 2022 SE Training - Intermediate 1 with Lael Keen
to 27 Jun

Edinburgh 2022 SE Training - Intermediate 1 with Lael Keen

The Intermediate Year of the 3 year Edinburgh SE™ training will be taught by Lael Keen, a senior SE trainer and faculty member from Brazil. 

Lael is an Advanced Level Teacher for the Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Institute, a direct student of Dr. Peter Levine and is a founding member of the Brazilian Trauma Association (ABT). She has been teaching Somatic Experiencing® in Brazil, the USA and all around the world, since 1998.

In addition to teaching for the Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Institute, Lael has been a teacher of Rolfing® Structural Integration since 1995. She teaches Rolfing® at the basic and Advanced levels and is also an instructor of the Rolf Movement Program. She has studied since 2001 with Hubert Godard, French Movement Educator and Researcher, Founder of the Department of Dance Movement Analysis at the University of Paris and Professor Emeritus of Rolfing® and Rolf Movement. She is a founding member of the Brazilian Rolfing® Association (ABR)

Lael holds a 5th degree black belt in Ki-Aikido and has studied many different disciplines that focus on the body-mind connection. She is a Trainer of Matrixworks Living Systems, an approach to working with groups. She uses both her Ki-Aikido training and the study of Matrixworks in all the groups that she leads.

She lives in the south of Brazil where she and her husband (also a Somatic Experiencing® teacher) own and operate a training center in the Atlantic Rain Forest on the Island of Santa Catarina.

She continues to study and learn about what it is to be a human being and how we can heal at all levels, body, mind, soul and spirit. She holds certification as an Anthroposophic Art Therapist and an Educator in the Bates Method of Vision.

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Edinburgh 2020 SE Training – Advanced 2 with Pedro Prado
to 30 Apr

Edinburgh 2020 SE Training – Advanced 2 with Pedro Prado

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Pedro Prado, 66, born in Brazil, graduated in clinical psychology in 1971 and worked and taught body oriented psychotherapy, in a neo-reichian somatic approach. In 1981 he got trained as a Rolfer and added the Structural Integration perspective into his practice. He was the first Rolfer in Brazil and dedicated himself to making Rolfing available in his country. Founded the Brazilian Association of Rolfers, and became an Advanced Rolfing and Rolf Movement Instructor for the Rolf Institute, in Boulder Colorado, where he has been teaching since 1991.

In 2000 the Brazilian Association of Rolfers brought Peter Levine in and he followed his inquires into the somatic dimension of the psyche and incorporated SE® into his practice and eventually became an Instructor for The Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Institute, where he has taught all levels of SE Training since 2005. He developed a methodology named "Structural Stretches" that integrates the Structural work and the S E®. approach. Currently, besides carrying his private practice and teaching for both Institutions, In 2006 he got a PhD in Psychosomatics.

Pedro’s special contributions to teaching have centred on awareness of the psychobiological perspectives of therapy, and the movement and behavioural dimensions of the work. He is actually the coordinator of the post-graduation program in Somatic Studies at Uniitalo, Sao Paulo, SP.

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to 6 Dec

Edinburgh 2022 SE Training Beginning 2 with Lael Keen

The Beginning Year of the 3 year Edinburgh SE™ training will be taught by Lael Keen, a senior SE trainer and faculty member from Brazil. 

Lael is an Advanced Level Teacher for the Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Institute, a direct student of Dr. Peter Levine and is a founding member of the Brazilian Trauma Association (ABT). She has been teaching Somatic Experiencing® in Brazil, the USA and all around the world, since 1998.

In addition to teaching for the Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Institute, Lael has been a teacher of Rolfing® Structural Integration since 1995. She teaches Rolfing® at the basic and Advanced levels and is also an instructor of the Rolf Movement Program. She has studied since 2001 with Hubert Godard, French Movement Educator and Researcher, Founder of the Department of Dance Movement Analysis at the University of Paris and Professor Emeritus of Rolfing® and Rolf Movement. She is a founding member of the Brazilian Rolfing® Association (ABR)

Lael holds a 5th degree black belt in Ki-Aikido and has studied many different disciplines that focus on the body-mind connection. She is a Trainer of Matrixworks Living Systems, an approach to working with groups. She uses both her Ki-Aikido training and the study of Matrixworks in all the groups that she leads.

She lives in the south of Brazil where she and her husband (also a Somatic Experiencing® teacher) own and operate a training center in the Atlantic Rain Forest on the Island of Santa Catarina.

She continues to study and learn about what it is to be a human being and how we can heal at all levels, body, mind, soul and spirit. She holds certification as an Anthroposophic Art Therapist and an Educator in the Bates Method of Vision.

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Edinburgh 2020 SE Training – Advanced 1 with Pedro Prado
to 27 Nov

Edinburgh 2020 SE Training – Advanced 1 with Pedro Prado


Pedro Prado, 66, born in Brazil, graduated in clinical psychology in 1971 and worked and taught body oriented psychotherapy, in a neo-reichian somatic approach. In 1981 he got trained as a Rolfer and added the Structural Integration perspective into his practice. He was the first Rolfer in Brazil and dedicated himself to making Rolfing available in his country. Founded the Brazilian Association of Rolfers, and became an Advanced Rolfing and Rolf Movement Instructor for the Rolf Institute, in Boulder Colorado, where he has been teaching since 1991.

In 2000 the Brazilian Association of Rolfers brought Peter Levine in and he followed his inquires into the somatic dimension of the psyche and incorporated SE® into his practice and eventually became an Instructor for The Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Institute, where he has taught all levels of SE Training since 2005. He developed a methodology named "Structural Stretches" that integrates the Structural work and the S E®. approach. Currently, besides carrying his private practice and teaching for both Institutions, In 2006 he got a PhD in Psychosomatics.

Pedro’s special contributions to teaching have centred on awareness of the psychobiological perspectives of therapy, and the movement and behavioural dimensions of the work. He is actually the coordinator of the post-graduation program in Somatic Studies at Uniitalo, Sao Paulo, SP.

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Edinburgh 2020 SE Training – Intermediate 2 with Abi Blakeslee
to 11 Jun

Edinburgh 2020 SE Training – Intermediate 2 with Abi Blakeslee

The Intermediate Year of the 3 year Edinburgh SE training will be taught by Abi Blakeslee, SEP, CMT, MFT, Ph.D, an SE trainer and faculty member of The Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute and Foundation for Human Enrichment. 

Abi integrates Somatic Experiencing with clinical research, the psychobiological principals of attachment, psychodynamic therapy, and somatic bodywork in her practice and teaching. She has conducted original research on the role of implicit memory in Somatic Experiencing with a committee that included Dr. Daniel Siegel.

Dr. Blakeslee holds a Masters of Arts in Counseling and Depth Psychology, and a Ph.D. in Clinical and Somatic Psychology. She is interested in the intersection between neuroscience, current trauma research, and the psychobiological principals of Somatic Experiencing.

She works with individuals, couples, children, and families and treats a broad base of issues.

Dr. Blakeslee currently resides in Bozeman, MT with her husband, two young boys and young daughter. She focuses on providing faculty-level individual and group consultations to all levels of Somatic Experiencing students, teaching SE trainings and somatic workshops, and presenting at professional conferences.

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to 11 Dec

Edinburgh 2020 SE Training – Intermediate 1 with Abi Blakeslee


The Intermediate Year of the 3 year Edinburgh SE training will be taught by Abi Blakeslee, SEP, CMT, MFT, Ph.D, an SE trainer and faculty member of The Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute and Foundation for Human Enrichment. 

Abi integrates Somatic Experiencing with clinical research, the psychobiological principals of attachment, psychodynamic therapy, and somatic bodywork in her practice and teaching. She has conducted original research on the role of implicit memory in Somatic Experiencing with a committee that included Dr. Daniel Siegel.

Dr. Blakeslee holds a Masters of Arts in Counseling and Depth Psychology, and a Ph.D. in Clinical and Somatic Psychology. She is interested in the intersection between neuroscience, current trauma research, and the psychobiological principals of Somatic Experiencing.

She works with individuals, couples, children, and families and treats a broad base of issues.

Dr. Blakeslee currently resides in Bozeman, MT with her husband, two young boys and young daughter. She focuses on providing faculty-level individual and group consultations to all levels of Somatic Experiencing students, teaching SE trainings and somatic workshops, and presenting at professional conferences.

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Edinburgh 2020 SE Training – Beginning 2 with Lael Keen
to 25 Jun

Edinburgh 2020 SE Training – Beginning 2 with Lael Keen

Lael is an Advanced level Instructor of Somatic Experiencing® for the S.E.® Trauma Institute and a founding member of the A.B.T. (Associação Brasileira do Trauma—the Brazilian SE Association).

She has been a Rolfer since 1984 and teaches Rolfing and Rolf Movement for the Rolf Institute. Lael holds a 5th degree black belt in Ki-Aikido and is a teacher of both Ki-Aikido and Shin Shin Toitsu Do—Mind and Body Coordination, certified by the Ki Society International in Tokyo Japan. 

She teaches in the US and Brazil and around the world, for both the Rolf Institute and the SE Trauma Institute. She is currently completing her internship in Art Therapy and lives in the Brazilian rainforest with her husband (also an SE teacher) and her daughter.

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to 12 Dec

Edinburgh SE Training – Beginning 1 with Lael Keen


The beginning year of the 3 year Edinburgh SE training will be taught by Lael Keen, a senior SE trainer and faculty member from Brazil. 

Lael is an Advanced Level Teacher for the Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Institute, a direct student of Dr. Peter Levine and is a founding member of the Brazilian Trauma Association (ABT). She has been teaching Somatic Experiencing® in Brazil, the USA and all around the world, since 1998.

In addition to teaching for the Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Institute, Lael has been a teacher of Rolfing® Structural Integration since 1995. She teaches Rolfing® at the basic and Advanced levels and is also an instructor of the Rolf Movement Program. She has studied since 2001 with Hubert Godard, French Movement Educator and Researcher, Founder of the Department of Dance Movement Analysis at the University of Paris and Professor Emeritus of Rolfing® and Rolf Movement. She is a founding member of the Brazilian Rolfing® Association (ABR)

Lael holds a 5th degree black belt in Ki-Aikido and has studied many different disciplines that focus on the body-mind connection. She is a Trainer of Matrixworks Living Systems, an approach to working with groups. She uses both her Ki-Aikido training and the study of Matrixworks in all the groups that she leads.

She lives in the south of Brazil where she and her husband (also a Somatic Experiencing® teacher) own and operate a training center in the Atlantic Rain Forest on the Island of Santa Catarina.

She continues to study and learn about what it is to be a human being and how we can heal at all levels, body, mind, soul and spirit. She holds certification as an Anthroposophic Art Therapist and an Educator in the Bates Method of Vision.

Find out more: Pre-requisites : Curriculum : Certification : Fees & Payments : Teaching Team

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Edinburgh SE Training – Advanced 1 with Lael Keen
to 1 Dec

Edinburgh SE Training – Advanced 1 with Lael Keen

Lael is an Advanced level Instructor of Somatic Experiencing® for the S.E.® Trauma Institute and a founding member of the A.B.T. (Associação Brasileira do Trauma—the Brazilian SE Association).

She has been a Rolfer since 1984 and teaches Rolfing and Rolf Movement for the Rolf Institute. Lael holds a 5th degree black belt in Ki-Aikido and is a teacher of both Ki-Aikido and Shin Shin Toitsu Do—Mind and Body Coordination, certified by the Ki Society International in Tokyo Japan. 

She teaches in the US and Brazil and around the world, for both the Rolf Institute and the SE Trauma Institute. She is currently completing her internship in Art Therapy and lives in the Brazilian rainforest with her husband (also an SE teacher) and her daughter.

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